Linda and Dan bought this incredible property in 1994.
It was a huge fixer upper that was on 6 saguaro studded acres , bordering on the Saguaro National Park West fence line. “We knew we were going to be working on this for quite sometime, with our own hands, along with some helping ones!!
We’ve not stopped. In fact, we continue to take summers to become creative with the property , to give you the best experience possible “
In 2010, they were urged to share it as a bed and breakfast from good friends, who stayed over.
Their statement:
“You treat us like royalty and feed us in the morning. Why not do it for others?”
Hacienda Linda was born from their desire to share the most amazing desert experiences of a lifetime! Color… all the incredible colors of the Sonoran desert radiate inside and outside to satiate your senses. The courtyard and patio was designed, to view the natural beauty of the vast Sonoran sky that boasts breathtaking sunrises and sunsets .The courtyard fountain is an amazing draw to the wildlife, and us humans too! Breakfast and dinners are a must on our gorgeous courtyard patio.There is always an incredible opportunity to see wildlife, like never before, at Hacienda Linda.
Our watering hole was made to allow thirsty walks of ALL wildlife that comes through the game trails of the Saguaro National Park.
Deer, Jack rabbits, raptors (owls, hawks, kestrels, to name a few) javelina, coyotes and so much more! Not to mention, all of our birds of the southwest, as well.
Yes, we have feeders for our quail, doves, cardinals, finches, orioles, wren, pyrrhuloxia, hummingbirds… the list goes on !!
You’ll just have to see it, to believe it!!
It is , truly a Labor of Love.